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Study CARES-P: Clínical assessment of risk in the early stages of psychosis


Psychotic disorders are prevalent and disabling conditions whose prognosis worsens as diagnosis and treatment are delayed, making prevention and early intervention essential. To this end, programs have been developed to care for patients with Clinical High-Risk Mental States (CHR) and Early States of Psychosis (ESP). However, it is still necessary to understand the underlying mechanisms of these disorders. In this regard, an interaction between biological and psychosocial factors generates epigenetic changes related to the evolution of psychosis.

Objective: To analyze the interaction of epigenetic markers with biopsychosocial factors in the evolution of patients with CHR/ESP. Specific objectives: i) clinical, cognitive, and neuroimaging characterization of CHR/ESP patients; ii) identification of psychosocial and biological factors related to their clinical course; (iii) determination of epigenetic variations, through DNA methylation patterns from saliva, that distinguish patients with unfavorable evolution from those with benign course; iv) study of interaction between clinical, cognitive, neuroimaging, and epigenetic factors and their relationship with the course of psychotic disorders.

Methodology: Prospective observational study over 2 years involving 200 CHR patients, 200 ESP patients, and 150 controls (total sample). A comprehensive assessment (sociodemographic, clinical, cognitive, neuroimaging, and epigenetic) will be conducted at recruitment and at 2 years. Differences between the group with unfavorable evolution (CHR developing psychosis and ESP without complete recovery), the group with favorable evolution (CHR not developing psychosis and ESP with complete recovery), and the control group will be analyzed. This study will investigate the mechanisms involved in the development of psychosis, thereby improving prevention, diagnosis, and prognosis.


147.500,00 €

Financing entity

Instituto de Salud Carlos III y cofinanciado por la Unión Europea.

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We are part of
Fundación Hospitalarias
Contact us

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Contact phone: 935 480 105
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Última modificación: 10/03/2025