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FIDMAG Sisters Hospitallers Research Foundation has an extensive experience in the field of psychosis, mainly in the area of ​​neuroimaging.

The team has reached several grants for research projects continuously, reaching a level of excellence in scientific production, with over 140 articles in journals of the first quartile during last 5 years, sustained production of more than 10 articles per year in first decile journals, consolidating a yearly average impact factor greater than 5.


FIDMAG is directed by Dr. Edith Pomarol-Clotet, psychiatrist and researcher in neuroscience, specialized in neuroimaging. She has received several grants from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) to study the underlying neuroanatomical abnormalities in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, publishing numerous articles about the subject.

Dr. Peter J McKenna is a psychiatrist. He has a strong international reputation in neuropsychology of schizophrenia and he is the author of three books about clinical and research aspects on that disorder. He is also the author of numerous publications in the main "peer-reviewed" journals.

Currently, FIDMAG consists of a team of 23 professionals dedicated exclusively to research. Many of them are co-funded with support from the ISCIII, PERIS of the Generalitat de Catalunya and other agencies. Currently some Miguel Servet, Sara Borrell, PFIS, FPU and PIF Salut researchers are working at the center, as well as other pre-doctoral researchers and collaborators.

An intrinsic feature of FIDMAG is the close collaboration with psychiatrists, clinical psychologists and health professionals of the centers of the Sisters Hospitallers. Moreover, we maintain strong partnerships with other institutions and universities, both nationally and internationally.


We are part of
HH Província España
Contact us

Avda. Jordà, 8, 08035 Barcelona
Contact phone: 935 480 105
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Reconocimientos a la calidad y la excelencia
Última modificación: 22/10/2024