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Mar Fatjó-Vilas Mestre

Searching for genomic-phenomic biomarkers of psychosis: analysis of the offspring of affected parents and their 3-generations pedigrees from the PAFIP-FAMILIES cohort

Instituto de Salud Carlos III y cofinanciado por la Unión Europea




Paola Fuentes Claramonte

Neural correlates of delusions in schizophrenia: a review of the main theories using fMRI

Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación




Edith Pomarol-Clotet

Translational research group in neuroimaging and genetics of mental disorders





Edith Pomarol-Clotet

Deep brain stimulation for patients with treatment-resistant schizophrenia: a multicentre prospective study

Fundació La Marató de TV3




Mar Fatjó-Vilas Mestre

Targeting mRNAs condensates in neurites for a better understanding of synaptic plasticity dysfunction in schizophrenia

Fundació La Marató de TV3




Ángeles Almeida Parra

Personalized Medicine (MedPer) in the early detection of preclinical cognitive impairment (CD). Development of a predictive risk model

Instituto de Salud Carlos III y cofinanciado por la Unión Europea - NextGenerationEU




Elisabet Vilella Cuadrada

Pilot project for the implementation of a screening tool to improve the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of patients with a neurodevelopmental psychiatric disorder: Using the 22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11.2DS) as a model

Instituto de Salud Carlos III y cofinanciado por la Unión Europea - NextGenerationEU




Pilar Salgado Pineda

Brain functional correlates of lexical, semantic and executive dysfunction in formal thought disorder in schizophrenia

Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación




Peter J. McKenna

Deep brain stimulation in refractory schizophrenia: Combined open/double-blind crossover trial of nucleus accumbens and ventral tegmental area as therapeutic targets

Instituto de Salud Carlos III y cofinanciado por la Unión Europea




Paola Fuentes Claramonte

Predicting risk of psychosis development in young people that use cannabis

Fundació La Caixa



Joan Oró


Neuroconnect with your future: opening the doors of Neuroscience to young people





Mar Fatjó-Vilas Mestre

Predicting diagnosis on first-episode psychosis through fingerprints, genomics and deep learning algorithms





Edith Pomarol-Clotet

Examination of "cognitive" theories of auditory hallucinations in schizophrenia: a functional neuroimaging study

Instituto de Salud Carlos III y cofinanciado por la Unión Europea (FEDER/FSE) "Una manera de hacer Europa"/ "El FSE invierte en tu futuro"




Raymond Salvador Civil

Predicting the evolution of a first psychotic episode using multi-input deep learning algorithms

Instituto de Salud Carlos III y cofinanciado por la Unión Europea (FEDER/FSE) "Una manera de hacer Europa"/ "El FSE invierte en tu futuro"




Salvador Sarró Maluquer

Longitudinal study of a representative cohort: overcoming clinical and biological heterogeneity in first psychotic episodes

Instituto de Salud Carlos III y cofinanciado por la Unión Europea (FEDER/FSE) "Una manera de hacer Europa"/ "El FSE invierte en tu futuro"




Paola Fuentes Claramonte

Predicting the risk of developing psychosis in young people who use cannabis

Ministerio de Sanidad - Plan Nacional Sobre Drogas

Financiado por la Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan nacional sobre Drogas




Edith Pomarol-Clotet

Consequences of prolonged cannabis use on brain structure and function

Ministerio de Sanidad - Plan Nacional Sobre Drogas

Financiado por la Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan nacional sobre Drogas




Mar Fatjó-Vilas Mestre

Analysis of common and rare variants in schizophrenia multiplex families: an strategy to focus beyond gwas

Instituto de Salud Carlos III y cofinanciado por la Unión Europea (FEDER/FSE) "Una manera de hacer Europa"/ "El FSE invierte en tu futuro"




Mar Fatjó-Vilas Mestre

Markers of neurodevelopment and schizophrenia: analysis of shared genetic variability and the effect of prenatal stress

Instituto de Salud Carlos III y cofinanciado por la Unión Europea (FEDER/FSE) "Una manera de hacer Europa"/ "El FSE invierte en tu futuro"




Ana Ventosa

Impact of collaborative nursing care on the recovery process, therapeutic relationship and positive mental health of day hospital users; a mixed methods study

Fundació Infermeria i societat

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Última modificación: 22/10/2024