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Result: 19 articles / Imact factor: 116.05

2024 European NeuropsychopharmacologyShared vulnerability and sex-dependent polygenic burden in psychotic disorders.Mitjans M, Papiol S, Fatjó-Vilas M, González-Peñas J, Acosta-Díez M, Zafrilla-López M, Costas J, Arango C, Vilella E, Martorell L, Moltó MD, Bobes J, Crespo-Facorro B, González-Pinto A, Fañanás L, Rosa A, Arias B
2024 Human Brain MappingPrincipal component analysis as an efficient method for capturing multivariate brain signatures of complex disorders-ENIGMA study in people with bipolar disorders and obesity.McWhinney SR, Hlinka J, Bakstein E, Dietze LMF, Corkum ELV, Abé C, Alda M, Alexander N, Benedetti F, Berk M, Bøen E, Bonnekoh LM, Boye B, Brosch K, Canales-Rodríguez EJ, Cannon DM, Dannlowski U, Demro C, Diaz-Zuluaga A, Elvsåshagen T, Eyler LT, Fortea L, Fullerton JM, Goltermann J, Gotlib IH, Grotegerd D, Haarman B, Hahn T, Howells FM, Jamalabadi H, Jansen A, Kircher T, Klahn AL, Kuplicki R, Lahud E, Landén M, Leehr EJ, Lopez-Jaramillo C, Mackey S, Malt U, Martyn F, Mazza E, McDonald C, McPhilemy G, Meier S, Meinert S, Melloni E, Mitchell PB, Nabulsi L, Nenadić I, Nitsch R, Opel N, Ophoff RA, Ortuño M, Overs BJ, Pineda-Zapata J, Pomarol-Clotet E, Radua J, Repple J, Roberts G, Rodriguez-Cano E, Sacchet MD, Salvador R, Savitz J, Scheffler F, Schofield PR, Schürmeyer N, Shen C, Sim K, Sponheim SR, Stein DJ, Stein F, Straube B, Suo C, Temmingh H, Teutenberg L, Thomas-Odenthal F, Thomopoulos SI, Urosevic S, Usemann P, van Haren NEM, Vargas C, Vieta E, Vilajosana E, Vreeker A, Winter NR, Yatham LN, Thompson PM, Andreassen OA, Ching CRK, Hajek T
2024 Brain Structure & FunctionNRN1 epistasis with BDNF and CACNA1C: mediation effects on symptom severity through neuroanatomical changes in schizophrenia.Almodóvar-Payá C, Guardiola-Ripoll M, Giralt-López M, Oscoz-Irurozqui M, Canales-Rodríguez EJ, Madre M, Soler-Vidal J, Ramiro N, Callado LF, Arias B, Gallego C, Pomarol-Clotet E, Fatjó-Vilas M
2024 Molecular PsychiatryDifferences in the neural correlates of schizophrenia with positive and negative formal thought disorder in patients with schizophrenia in the ENIGMA dataset.Sharkey RJ, Bacon C, Peterson Z, Rootes-Murdy K, Salvador R, Pomarol-Clotet E, Karuk A, Homan P, Ji E, Omlor W, Homan S, Georgiadis F, Kaiser S, Kirschner M, Ehrlich S, Dannlowski U, Grotegerd D, Goltermann J, Meinert S, Kircher T, Stein F, Brosch K, Krug A, Nenadic I, Sim K, Spalletta G, Banaj N, Sponheim SR, Demro C, Ramsay IS, King M, Quidé Y, Green MJ, Nguyen D, Preda A, Calhoun V, Turner J, van Erp T, Nickl-Jockschat T
2024 European NeuropsychopharmacologyChallenges in testing concentrated cognitive-behaviour therapy for unmedicated adults with obsessive-compulsive disorder in routine care.Jaurrieta N, Primé-Tous M, Radua J, Soriano-Mas C, Lázaro L, Pomarol-Clotet E, Fullana MA
2024 Spanish journal of psychiatry and mental healthNegative symptoms and sex differences in first episode schizophrenia: What's their role in the functional outcome? A longitudinal study.Amoretti S, Mezquida G, Verdolini N, Bioque M, Sánchez-Torres AM, Pina-Camacho L, Zorrilla I, Trabsa A, Rodriguez-Jimenez R, Corripio I, Sarró S, Ibañez A, Usall J, Segarra R, Vieta E, Roberto N, Ramos-Quiroga JA, Tortorella A, Menculini G, Cuesta MJ, Parellada M, González-Pinto A, Berrocoso E, Bernardo M
2024 Journal of Psychiatric ResearchChanges in BDNF methylation patterns after cognitive remediation therapy in schizophrenia: A randomized and controlled trial.Penadés R, Almodóvar-Payá C, García-Rizo C, Ruíz V, Catalán R, Valero S, Wykes T, Fatjó-Vilas M, Arias B
2024 Schizophrenia ResearchInflammatory blood cells and ratios at remission for psychosis relapse prediction: A three-year follow-up of a cohort of first episodes of schizophrenia.Llorca-Bofí V, Madero S, Amoretti S, Cuesta MJ, Moreno C, González-Pinto A, Bergé D, Rodriguez-Jimenez R, Roldán A, García-León MÁ, Ibáñez A, Usall J, Contreras F, Mezquida G, García-Rizo C, Berrocoso E, Bernardo M, Bioque M
2024 Psychological trauma : theory, research, practice and policyCognitive reserve moderates the relationship between childhood maltreatment, objective and subjective cognition, and psychosocial functioning in individuals with first-episode psychosis.Fares-Otero NE, Borràs R, Solé B, Torrent C, Garriga M, Serra-Navarro M, Forte MF, Montejo L, Salgado-Pineda P, Montoro I, Sánchez-Gistau V, Pomarol-Clotet E, Ramos-Quiroga JA, Tortorella A, Menculini G, Grande I, Garcia-Rizo C, Martinez-Aran A, Bernardo M, Pacchiarotti I, Vieta E, Amoretti S, Verdolini N
2024 Molecular PsychiatryAssociations of altered leukocyte DDR1 promoter methylation and childhood trauma with bipolar disorder and suicidal behavior in euthymic patients.Garcia-Ruiz B, Jiménez E, Aranda S, Verdolini N, Gutiérrez-Zotes A, Sáez C, Losantos E, Alonso-Lana S, Fatjó-Vilas M, Sarró S, Torres L, Panicalli F, Bonnin CDM, Pomarol-Clotet E, Vieta E, Vilella E
2024 Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health NursingPsychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Health of Nation Outcome Scales for schizophrenia patients.Feria-Raposo I, García-León MÁ, Rodríguez-Cano E, Blanco-Blanco J, Moreno-Casbas MT, Gonzalez-Castro AI, Gómez-Lozano MJ, Guerrero-Pedraza A, Sarri C, Portillo F, Sarró S, McKenna PJ, Salvador R, Pomarol-Clotet E
2024 Schizophrenia BulletinDuration of Untreated Psychosis and Outcomes in First-Episode Psychosis: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Early Detection and Intervention Strategies.Salazar de Pablo G, Guinart D, Armendariz A, Aymerich C, Catalan A, Alameda L, Rogdaki M, Martinez Baringo E, Soler-Vidal J, Oliver D, Rubio JM, Arango C, Kane JM, Fusar-Poli P, Correll CU
2024 European PsychiatryStudying the relationship between Intelligence Quotient and Schizophrenia Polygenic Scores in a family design with First-Episode Psychosis population.Murillo-García N, Papiol S, Fernández-Cacho LM, Fatjó-Vilas M, Ayesa-Arriola R
2024 Molecular PsychiatryProcessing speed mediates the relationship between DDR1 and psychosocial functioning in euthymic patients with bipolar disorder presenting psychotic symptoms.Aranda S, Jiménez E, Canales-Rodríguez EJ, Verdolini N, Alonso S, Sepúlveda E, Julià A, Marsal S, Bobes J, Sáiz PA, García-Portilla P, Menchón JM, Crespo JM, González-Pinto A, Pérez V, Arango C, Sierra P, Sanjuán J, Pomarol-Clotet E, Vieta E, Vilella E
2024 Schizophrenia ResearchCortical volume abnormalities in schizophrenia: Correlations with symptoms and cognitive impairment.García-León MÁ, Fuentes-Claramonte P, Soler-Vidal J, Ramiro-Sousa N, Salgado-Pineda P, Salavert J, Torres L, Guerrero-Pedraza A, Tristany J, Karuk A, Barbosa L, Del Olmo-Encabo P, Canut-Altemir P, Munuera J, Sarró S, Salvador R, McKenna PJ, Pomarol-Clotet E
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