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Contact CEI
Clinical research is an essential activity in the development of new drugs, new treatment guidelines, new diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, as well as in the evaluation of new medical devices.

The documentation should be sent to:

CEIC Sisters Hospitallers SCJ
Att. de Alba Delclòs Miret
Avinguda del Jordà, 8

Tel +34 93 548 01 05

(It is required to contact us before sending any paper documentation)


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FIDMAG - Germanes Hospitalàries
Privacy Policy

The Clinical Research Ethics Committee of Hermanas Hospitalàries was created in 2006, linked to the Hospital de Sant Rafael.

After the entry into force of Royal Decree 1090/2015, of December 4, which regulates clinical trials with medications, the new CEI with Medicines is created. This Royal Decree defines within the Research Ethics Committees (CEI) the subgroup of Research Ethics Committees with medicines (CEIm), giving the latter the additional responsibility of evaluating clinical studies with medications and / or medical devices .

Our CEI has adapted its internal regulations and its Standardized Work Procedures to the new legislation, and has been renamed CEI FIDMAG Hermanas Hospitalarias. In the absence of specific regulations for the CEI that do not evaluate medications, the current legislation remains the one established by Decree 406/2006, of October 24, of the Department of Health, which regulates the requirements and procedures for accreditation of the ethics committees of clinical research.

In 2023, the CEI FIDMAG Hermanas Hospitalarias has been re-accredited by the General Directorate of Regulation, Planning and Health Resources of the Department of Health of the Generalitat de Catalunya, and its scope of action is legally restricted to Catalonia.


CEI Members

President: Josep Carles Franquelo

Vicepresident: Silvia Sanz Pamplona

Secretary: Joan Soler Vidal

Vocals:  Manuel Borrego Reyes

             Fernando Campaña Castillo

             Núria Cau Auñon (DPD)

             Isabel Feria Raposo

             Eladio Fernández Liz

             Rosa Maria Gràcia Gozalo

             Núria Jaurrieta Guarner

             Daniel Peña Jordana

             Josep Salavert Jiménez

             Manuel Sánchez Pérez

             Anna Serra Mayoral




We are part of
HH Província España
Contact us

Avda. Jordà, 8, 08035 Barcelona
Contact phone: 935 480 105
Online contact 



Reconocimientos a la calidad y la excelencia
Última modificación: 21/02/2025