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The main research areas focus on the use of neuroimaging techniques, both structural and functional, in major psychiatric illnesses such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. We also have an important line of research focused on the study of genetic factors in these disorders. We also carry out clinical trials, both pharmacological and other therapeutic strategies in major psychiatric illnesses.

IMG neuroimagen trastornos mentales
Neuroimaging of mental disorders


Study of the brain correlates of different mental disorders and their most relevant symptoms, at an anatomical and functional level, through the use of advanced magnetic resonance techniques that include the analysis of alterations in cortical morphology, white matter integrity and functionality both during the idle state and during the performance of tasks.

IMG Machine learning
Machine learning and artificial intelligence


Computational techniques and developments in artificial intelligence (AI) have a noticeable impact on biomedical research and it is expected that, in the future, it will significantly transform daily clinical practice through personalized medicine. 


IMG Genetica
Genetics and neurobiology of psychiatric disorders

The integration of genetic and genomic data with different neurobiological and clinical markers represents one of the main challenges for advancing in knowledgement of the causes of psychiatric disorders.

IMG Consorcis
Participation in research consortia / Big data

In recent years, new technologies and the processing of a large amount of information (big data) have been incorporated into biomedicine, which are managing to answer questions of great medical relevance.


IMG Estudis
Clinical and care studies                                  

This research area aims to evaluate aspects of the state and care of patients and their families, as well as health professionals. It has an eminently practical interest.

IMG Escales
Development and/or validation of scales and instruments 

Having appropriate and approved ladders and other evaluation instruments is essential for daily clinical practice and conducting research studies.


IMG Assaigs
Clinical trials 


Clinical trials are the mechanism for appropriately determining the safety and efficacy of new therapeutic approaches.

IMG Neuropatologia
Neuropathology studies


This area of research seeks to establish whether there is evidence of neuropathologies associated with dementia, specifically newly discovered dementias in schizophrenia.

We are part of
Fundación Hospitalarias
Contact us

Avda. Jordà, 8, 08035 Barcelona
Contact phone: 935 480 105
Online contact 



Reconocimientos a la calidad y la excelencia
Última modificación: 27/03/2025