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Dissecting the clinical and biological heterogeneity of first-episode psychosis: a longitudinal study in a representative cohort


Psychotic disorders are characterised by the presence of delusions, hallucinations, thought disturbance, or neurocognitive deficits. Approximately, 2-3% of the general population is affected by a psychotic disorder across the lifespan, with a widespread impact on the person's individual, social and family life. Early diagnosis and treatment of psychotic disorders are main priorities for the WHO and for the "Mental Health Strategy" of the Spanish Ministry of Health.

The CIBERSAM cohort of individuals with First Episode Psychosis (FEP) and controls, formed between 2016 and 2018 and funded by the IISCIII , served as an anchor point to link and harmonise pre-existing FEP cohorts within CIBERSAM groups, with the ultimate goal of establishing a rich longitudinal cohort with deep phenotyping of all individuals at least at baseline and at a 5-year, 10-year or 15-year follow-up.

In the 2020 AES call, a multicenter project was presented with: 1.- to transform the CIBERSAM cohort into a national cohort of individuals with FEP (i.e. “FEP cohort”, or CoPEP); 2.- to increase the numbers of cases and controls in CoPEP cohort, and 3.- to identify more homogeneous subpopulations within FEP based on cross-sectional assessment of clinical, cognitive and neurobiological variables and their longitudinal trajectories over the first few years of illness in the CoPEP cohort.

The objective of this proposal is to join the Multicenter project led by Dr. David Fraguas (PI20/00216), which is progressing favorably and has demonstrated its viability, providing a sample of controls and patients, as well as scientific collaboration in the exploitation of the results, specifically in the area of neuroimaging.


50.820,00 €

Financing entity

Instituto de Salud Carlos III, con la cofinanciación de Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional "Una manera de hacer Europa"


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HH Província España
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Última modificación: 22/10/2024