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Studying the relationship between Intelligence Quotient and Schizophrenia Polygenic Scores in a family design with First-Episode Psychosis population.
Murillo-García N, Papiol S, Fernández-Cacho LM, Fatjó-Vilas M, Ayesa-Arriola R
Servei limitat a col·laboradors/res de la xarxa de centres de Germanes Hospitalàries. Rebreu un missatge al vostre correu-e amb un enllaç per a la descàrrega del present article.
The intelligence quotient (IQ) of patients with first-episode psychosis (FEP) and their unaffected relatives may be related to the genetic burden of schizophrenia (SCZ). The polygenic score approach can be useful for testing this question.To assess the contribution of the polygenic risk scores for SCZ (PGS-SCZ) and polygenic scores for IQ (PGS-IQ) to the individual IQ and its difference from the mean IQ of the family (named family-IQ) through a family-based design in an FEP sample.The PAFIP-FAMILIES sample (Spain) consists of 122 FEP patients, 131 parents, 94 siblings, and 176 controls. They all completed the WAIS Vocabulary subtest for IQ estimation and provided a DNA sample. We calculated PGS-SCZ and PGS-IQ using the continuous shrinkage method. To account for relatedness in our sample, we performed linear mixed models. We controlled for covariates potentially related to IQ, including age, years of education, sex, and ancestry principal components.FEP patients significantly deviated from their family-IQ. FEP patients had higher PGS-SCZ than other groups, whereas the relatives had intermediate scores between patients and controls. PGS-IQ did not differ between groups. PGS-SCZ significantly predicted the deviation from family-IQ, whereas PGS-IQ significantly predicted individual IQ.PGS-SCZ discriminated between different levels of genetic risk for the disorder and was specifically related to patients lower IQ in relation to family-IQ. The genetic background of the disorder may affect neurocognition through complex pathological processes interacting with environmental factors that prevent the individual from reaching their familial cognitive potential.